Tag: Blogging

Preptober Prompts Announcement!

Preptober Prompts Announcement!

Last year, I started an event called Preptober Prompts to get people excited and thinking about their NaNoWriMo novels for the month of October (also known, in writer circles, as Preptober). Well, I’m bringing it back this year! I’ve made a few adjustments and worked out kinks from last year, and I’m hoping that this year will be even more fun.

Here’s how the event works. The prompts are centered around a theme (“music,” this year), and each week features a different category of prompts: worldbuilding prompts, character prompts, plot prompts, and flash fiction prompts. In addition, each week is hosted by a different blogger. I’m super happy to announce Continue reading “Preptober Prompts Announcement!”

Blog Schedule Change

As I’m trying to get back into things after a summer hiatus, and also going into a new school year that’s more time-intensive than previous years have been, and trying to give more time to actual story drafting, I’m finding it difficult to keep up with my current blog schedule and produce new content and that kind of thing, so I’ve decided to cut wayyyy back on my blogging schedule and make only one post per week.

Here’s the new schedule:

First and third Tuesdays will be writing tips

Second Tuesdays will be character interviews

Fourth Tuesdays will (hopefully) be book reviews

It’s going to be very different, lol, but I’m hoping it’ll work better and I’m hoping that fewer posts will also mean better posts as I’m able to put more time into them. I’m sorry for the missed posts and hectic craziness lately. Hopefully things will settle into a rhythm again with this new schedule, at least aside from Preptober Prompts in October. (This is not an official announcement. There will be an official announcement in the beginning/middle of next month, once I have the co-hosts finalized. ;) )

Anyway… that’s the latest news. I hope this change results in my better ability to serve y’all with more helpful content, more consistent (if less frequent) content, etc. :)

Two-Year Blogiversary!

Two-Year Blogiversary!

Scribes & Archers is turning two! At least the scheduled, halfway-professional version of Scribes & Archers; the amateur, sporadic blog known as Alpine Writer is just Scribes & Archers’s backstory. But anyway, to celebrate I’ll be answering your questions, reacting to your assumptions about me, and sharing some things I’ve learned, and what I’ve been up to lately. Enjoy! Continue reading “Two-Year Blogiversary!”

The Liebster Blog Award #3

The Liebster Blog Award #3

I first did this tag in October 2017, then again in August 2018, and now I’ve been nominated a third time. (Since the questions are always different, I’m totally okay doing this tag/award multiple times. XD) Thanks, Odelia, for the nomination! :)

The Rules:

Acknowledge the blogger that gave it to you and display the award.

Answer 11 questions that the blogger gave you.

Give 11 random thoughts about yourself.

Nominate 11 other bloggers and notify them of their nominations.

Ask your nominees 11 questions. Continue reading “The Liebster Blog Award #3”

How to Become an Online Influencer – Guest Post by Livy Lynn

How to Become an Online Influencer – Guest Post by Livy Lynn


That’s a pretty massive word, isn’t it?

The simple fact that each human has the ability to influence one another is such an honor. A gift. A treasure that we’re all called to steward.

We don’t have to look very far to see the laws of influence at work. We see celebrities setting trends on talk shows and on glossy magazine covers. College professors are molding minds, politicians are changing laws, and Hollywood is changing the way our culture thinks about, well, pretty much everything.

But what about us? Bloggers. Writers. YouTubers. Texters. Talkers. Social-media posters. Do we carry as much influence as the big names? Do we get a say in what happens in our world, do we get to shift and design the landscape of this life for others, or are our voices lost in the shuffle?

If you have a voice, you have influence.

And if you have a cell phone, an internet connection, or a laptop, you have the unique opportunity to influence this generation and use your voice for good.

Finding Our Place on the World Stage

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Online Influencers”, right?

I’m sure you’ve seen your favorite YouTuber or popular Instagrammer post an advertisement for a brand or company they’ve partnered with. If you’re Continue reading “How to Become an Online Influencer – Guest Post by Livy Lynn”